Stats UI
Health <3 <3 <3 <3
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Health <3 <3 <3 <3
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What good is a Stat or Attribute if you don't display it? The Stats component comes back with a collection of components that makes this process a breeze.
There are 4 components in total:
Stat UI: Displays current information of a Stat in different formats.
Attribute UI: Displays current information of an Attribute in different formats.
Status Effects UI: Shows information about all Status Effects of a target.
Status Effect UI: Shows information about a single Status Effect of a target.
Status Effects UI and Status Effect UI are very closely related and are usually used together.
Stats UI and Attributes UI are pretty much the same. They both share the common properties where you can attach a Text element to display its title name and other common properties. In this section we'll cover the Attributes UI is exactly the same but with fewer fields:
We've split the component in different sections. All of them but the first two are optional and won't have any effect if left in blank.
You can display the title, description, icon or any of the descriptor properties of a Stat or Attribute by placing the corresponding Unity UI element.
Note that the Color property accepts both Text and Image elements.
You can use these fields to display the value of the Stat or Attribute. These values can also be formatted using the square bracket notation.
refers to the current value
refers to the maximum value (or Stat value)
Because an Attribute is a value between 0 and a maximum value, they are usually used to represent heath, mana and energy gauges. The Fill Image is a special Unity property from an Image component that allows to mask a percentage of its sprite based on a value between 0 and 1.
You can create health bars that fill from left to right, right to left, vertical, or even circular. Check out the Image component documentation to learn more about it. The sky is the limit!
If instead of filling an image you prefer to scale it down based on the percentage of the Attribute value versus the maximum amount you can do it here.
For example, a health
Attribute with a value of 300 of 500 (which equals to a 60%) would modify the scale of the Rect Transform to 0.6.
Status Effects and Status Effect UI (notice the extra "s" for the plural) handle the display of the different Status Effects a game object has.
Status Effects UI: Listens, creates, destroys and updates the different Status Effect UI children.
Status Effect UI: Updates their interface values according to the current state of the status effect.
Let's go step by step. These two components are usually used in conjunction, so we'll show an example of how to show all Status Effects affecting a particular object.
First we need a Status Effects UI. This component will need a target object with a Stats component from which to query the different Status Effects. You can also choose between showing all status effects, only displaying those that are Positive (buffs), Negatives (debuffs) or the ones marked as Other.
There are two last properties: The Container and the Prefab Status Effect. The Prefab will be instantiated inside the Container as many times as Status Effects applied to the target object. For example, if the player has stacked two Poison Status Effects, the prefab will be instantiated only once.
Once this prefab is instantiated, the prefab should also have a Status Effect UI component, which will be initialized with the values that its parent provides.
The Status Effect UI behaves pretty much like the Stat UI or the Attribute UI and you can optionally fill any of the following fields:
Title: The title of the Status Effect correctly localized.
Description: The description of the Status Effect localized.
Icon: The Image where to add the sprite of the Status Effect.
Color: Text or Image that will be tinted with the color of the Status Effect.
Stack: A Text component that will show the current number of stacked Status Effects of that type.
Both the Status Effect/s UI and the Stat/Attribute UI components are automatically updated when a change is detected. No need to worry about that.