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Triggers are used to fire Actions and Conditions when something happens. This something can range from the player pressing a certain key to an NPC's entering a certain area.
Triggers are executed from top to bottom.
The white cog at the top right of the component there's an Advanced Options foldout. You can specify a minimum distance from which the Player has to be for this trigger to be activated.
This is specially useful when dealing with pickup items or interactive doors.
There's also a shortcut option to create a Hotspot component from within the Trigger.
Some times you'll want a Trigger to execute an Action only once. You can easily take advantage of an Action's DestroyAfterFinishing
property to destroy both the Action and the Trigger.
To do so, simply add an Actions component inside the same Game Object where the Trigger is. After executing the Actions, it will destroy the entire Game Object.
These are all the Triggers that come with Game Creator. You can download more at the Game Creator Hub, creating your own using our Open API as well as find more inside each of the modules.
Trigger Name
On Cursor Raycast
When the cursor is locked at the center of the screen, use this Trigger to throw a raycast from the center of the screen to simulate a click
On Hover Hold Key
Detects when the mouse is over the Trigger's Collider and the user holds a key for a certain amount of time
On Hover Press Key
Detects when the mouse is over the Trigger's Collider and the user presses a key
On Key Down
Detects when the user presses a key down
On Key Hold
Detects when the user presses a key down and holds it for a certain amount of time
On Key Up
Detects when the user releases a key
On Mouse Down
Detects when the user presses a mouse button down
On Mouse Enter
Detects when the mouse hovers over the Trigger's Collider
On Mouse Exit
Detects when the mouse exits hovering the Trigger's Collider
On Mouse Left Hold
Detects when the mouse left button is being pressed for a certain amount of time
On Mouse Middle Hold
Detects when the mouse middle button is being pressed for a certain amount of time
On Mouse Right Hold
Detects when the mouse right button is being pressed for a certain amount of time
On Mouse Left Click
Detects when the mouse left clicks on the Trigger's Collider
On Mouse Middle Click
Detects when the mouse middle clicks on the Trigger's Collider
On Mouse Right Click
Detects when the mouse right clicks on the Trigger's Collider
On Mouse Up
Detects when a mouse button is released
Raycast Mouse World Position
Detects when the mouse has clicked the Trigger's Collider and stores the point in a Variable
Trigger Name
On Step
Detects when a Character makes a step (right foot, left foot or any of them)
On Jump
Detects when a Character jumps
On Land
Detects when a Character lands
Trigger Name
On Collision Enter
Detects when an object touches the Trigger's Collider area
On Collision Exit
Detects when an object exits the Trigger's Collider area
On Player Enter
Detects when the Player enters the Trigger's Collider area
On Player Enter Key
Detects when the user presses a key and the Player is within the Trigger's Collider area
On Player Exit
Detects when the Player exits the Trigger's Collider area
On Player Stay Timeout
Detects when the Player has been at least some seconds inside the Trigger's Collider area
On Trigger Enter
Detects when an object enters the Trigger's Collider area and has the isTrigger flag set as true
On Tag Enter
Detects when an object with a certain tag enters the Trigger's Collider area
On Trigger Exit
Detects when an object exits the Trigger's Collider area and has the isTrigger flag set to true
On Tag Exit
Detects when an object with a certain tag exits the Trigger's Collider area
On Trigger Stay Timeout
Detects when an object has been at least a few seconds inside the Trigger's Collider area
Trigger Name
On Variable Change
Detects when a Global, Local or List Variable changes its value/s
Trigger Name
On Mouse Enter UI
Detects when the mouse hovers a UI element
On Mouse Exit UI
Detects when the mouse exits hovering a UI element
Trigger Name
On Event Receive
On Invoke
Detects when a Trigger is manually invoked
On Disable
Detects when the Trigger Game Object is disabled
On Enable
Detects when the Trigger Game Object is enabled
On Load
Detects when a game is loaded from a save file
On Save
Detects when a game is saved
On Start
Detects when the Trigger Game Object is initialized
Detects when a certain Dispatched Event is received. For more information on the Event System click