
If A - Then B - Else C

Conditions were named as Events before they were renamed on version 0.7.1.

Conditions components a little bit more complex than Actions; they allow to check for conditions and branch from execution threads.

Even if the concept seems complicated, it's actually fairly simple: Imagine you have a Chest that the player can loot. This Chest should only be looted once.

Upon clicking it, if it's the first time, the player gets some items. Otherwise a message can be prompted stating that the chest has already been looted.

Anatomy of a Condition

Conditions work much like Actions, but instead of immediately being executed when called, they perform a set of checks before deciding which action to call (if any at all).

A Conditions object follows the following process:

  • Check the first Clause

    • If all Conditions are true

    • Then executes its Actions

  • If not all Conditions where true, jump to the second Clause

    • If all Conditions are true

    • Then executes its Actions

  • ...

  • If none of the Clause Conditions is true, then execute a special Actions

Only one set of Actions will be called in a Conditions. If the first Clause of the Conditions are all true, only its Actions will be executed and the rest of the Clause won't even be checked.

Conditions are hard to get at the beginning. For a more comprehensive explanation, watch the following tutorial.

Available Conditions

Here's a list of all available Conditions. Remember that each module adds new ones to the list. You can also find more Conditions visiting the Game Creator Hub.


Condition Name


List Variables contains Object

Returns True if a given Game Object can be found inside a List Variables

List Variables Count

Returns True if the amount of elements in a List Variables is greater or equal to a given value

Variable Bool

Compares a Variable with a boolean value

Variable Color

Compares a Variable with a Color value

Variable Game Object

Compares a Variable with a Game Object value

Variable Number

Compares a Variable with a Number value

Variable Sprite

Compares a Variable with a Sprite value

Variable String

Compares a Variable with a String value

Variable Texture2D

Compares a Variable with a Texture2D value

Variable Vector2

Compares a Variable with a Vector2 value

Variable Vector3

Compares a Variable with a Vector3 value


Condition Name


Character Capsule

Checks if the radius and height of a character is greater or equal than a value

Character Property

Compares the value of a Character Property with a given value. For example, the height of the Character, its radius, whether it is controllable or not, ...


Condition Name



Returns True or False depending on the given pattern. For example, if the pattern is "True, False, True", the first 5 times the Condition is checked will return "True, False, True, True, False". Starts over again when reaching the end.

Simple Condition

Returns a constant value of True or False. Useful for debugging.

Scene Loaded

Returns whether a scene is currently loaded or not (additive scenes included)


Condition Name



Returns if a keyboard key is being pressed or not

Mouse Button

Returns if a mouse button is being pressed or not


Condition Name


Game Object Active

Returns True if a given Game Object is active

Exists Game Object

Return True if a given Game Object exists


Returns True if a given Game Object exists and contains a Rigidbody component


Returns True if a given Game Object has a given tag value

Last updated