Blade Component
Sling! Slash! And Thusck! - Detect all these and apply damage
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Sling! Slash! And Thusck! - Detect all these and apply damage
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The Blade Component is a Unity component that must be attached to a prefab game object used as the scene representation of a weapon. It serves two purposes:
On one hand, it allows to display particle and sound effects when clashing with other scene objects, as well as show a trail during the activation phase of an attack.
On the other hand, it is also responsible for determining and collecting the enemies hit by the weapon during an activation phase.
Debug Mode allows to display internal information about the sword slash. This is useful if you don't have a weapon trail or it's barely perceptible and you want to know why an attack is not hitting an enemy.
Blade Edge positions allow to define a segment that will be used for both the trail of the weapon and detecting hits (when the weapon is required to) if the Capture Hits dropdown is set to segment.
These Blade Edge Point A and Point B fields should go along the whole blade (in case of a Sword) or along the head (in case of a Hammer or Axe).
The Capture Hits dropdown allows to select how you want to detect hits using this weapon. As for now you can choose between two options:
Segment: Detects hits by Raycasting along the blade of the weapon (determined by Point A and Point B). However, in order to avoid ghosting through objects due to a fast slash, it also checks inter-frame objects. This is determined by the Segment Resolution: The lower the value, the more precise. However, it will also be more costly. Something around 0.5 should fit most cases.
Sphere: Detects hits by casting a sphere at a specific position and processes any objects caught inside. This is the most performant capture mode, and should be used if you're targeting mobile devices or WebGL platforms.
The Blade Trail is a custom made trail effect used during the Activation phase of an attack. Because most attacks are too fast to be perceived by the human eye, it's a common practice to draw a trail that represents the blur of the moving weapon at a high speed.
This effect can be customized to use a custom Material as well as define its Duration and how smooth the trail will look using the Granularity field.
The Trail will always use the segment defined by Point A and Point B from the Blade Edge section.