May Day! May Day! May Day! Steve is injured! I request immediate backup! Now!
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May Day! May Day! May Day! Steve is injured! I request immediate backup! Now!
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Apart from performing different Gestures, a Character can also be in different States. The difference between a State and a Gesture is that a State is part of a range of Locomotion animations.
For example, you can make the Player enter the Crouch state when detecting if guards are nearby so sneak past behind them, or move around looking Drunk.
States are not boolean (on/off) values. You can blend between the root locomotion and a state setting the amount value between 0.0 and 1.0.
This is very useful if you want, for instance, to set the Player normal-injured state based on its remaining health.
Game Creator comes with some default States:
Crouch: The character crouches in a stealthy way
Drunk: The character appears... Not sober ^^'
Hurt: The character moves hoping with just one leg
Mediate: The character sits crossing its legs and placing its hands onto his knees.
Game Creator allows you to easily create custom States. To do so, right click on the Project Panel and select Create → Game Creator → Characters
and a State asset will be created. You'll see there are different types of States.
Simple State: Just like the Meditate state, a simple state is a character staying in a single pose. This can be sitting on a chair, leaning on a wall, ...
Locomotion State: Like the Drunk state, the Locomotion state is a state where you can override the different movement animations of the character. You'll be presented with a list of animation fields where you can drag and drop custom ones to.
Advanced State: This is for advanced users who want fine-grain solutions or have a custom Mecanim Animator Controller. Drag and drop the animator and call the different parameters need (if any) from a custom script to use it.
If you leave any State animation in blank, the default locomotion animation will be used.
When using a Character State Action you'll have to drag and drop this State asset to the corresponding field and it will automagically bend between the default animations and the new state.