Do this. Do this. Do this. Complete!
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Do this. Do this. Do this. Complete!
Last updated
Actions are one of the core features behind Game Creator. They allow to animate characters, activate interruptors, move objects, and a long etcetera.
To create an Action, right click on the Hierarchy Panel and select Game Creator → Actions
. Alternatively you can also add the Actions component to any Game Object or click on the Actions button from the Game Creator Toolbar.
An Action is a single instruction that when executed "does something". For example, the action Wait puts the execution on hold for a number of seconds.
Here's an example of an action called Play Sound.
When an Action is executed in runtime it will be highlighted in light blue. This is very useful when you want to track which instruction is being executed.
To add a new Action click on the Add Action button. A categorized dropdown window will appear. You can navigate using your mouse or the keyboard.
Select which action you want to add and it will automatically be added at the end of the list.
You can configure the behavior of an Action at the end of the component.
When the Run in background
checkbox is marked the Action will always be executed when called. If the checkbox is left unmarked, if another Actions object is being executed and is set to run in the foreground, the first one won't be executed.
In other words, two Actions can't be executed at the same time if they both have the Run in background checkbox unmarked.
Game Creator is all about fast development. If you want to destroy an Actions object after all its instructions have been executed, mark this checkbox.
You can accomplish the same behavior using the Destroy action at the end of the container of Actions., though it's faster this way.
You can add an Actions component below a Trigger component and let the Destroy After Finishing option destroy both the Actions and the Trigger. Useful if you want to execute it only once, for example, when picking an item.
Game Creator comes with a wide variety of pre-made Actions that will help you kickstart your project right away. Here's the complete list of Actions that Game Creator comes with.
If you find an Action that is not documented here, please send us a message at and we'll include it.
Action Name
Adventure Camera Settings
Change the settings of an Adventure Camera Motor
Change Camera
Changes the currently active camera motor
Culling Mask
Changes the Culling Mask of the main camera
Camera Damping
Changes the smoothness in which the camera follows its target destination
Shake Burst
Shakes the camera for a limited time
Shake Sustain
Keeps the camera shaking for an unspecified time
Fixed Camera Settings
Changes the settings of a Fixed Camera motor
Follow Camera Settings
Changes the settings of a Follow Camera motor
FPS Camera Settings
Changes the settings of a FPS Camera motor
Railway Camera Settings
Changes the settings of a Railway Camera motor
Target Camera Settings
Changes the settings of a Target Camera motor
Change FOV
Changes the Field of View of the current main camera
Action Name
Character Attachment
Attaches a prefab instance to a character bone or removes an attachment
Character Dash
Make a Character move towards a position. The gradient falloff can be customized as well as its initial velocity
Character Blendshapes
Animate transitioning a Character's Blend-Shapes. Very useful for creating expressive characters.
Character Mount
Sets the Character in Mount Mode. In this mode, the character can't be controlled and collisions are ignored
Character Direction
Changes the direction in which the character looks while idle, walking or running
Character Follow
Makes a Character follow a target keeping a distance within a min and max radius
Character Gesture
Character Hand
Makes a Character hand reach for a target using Inverse Kinematics
Inverse Kinematics
Changes the Inverse Kinematics settings of a Character
Character Jump
Makes a Character Jump
Character Model
Changes the 3D model of a Character, retargeting all bones to the new ones
Move Character
Makes a Character move towards a certain position using the Navigation Mesh, if any.
Change Property
Change a Character property, such as Height, Is Controllable, Radius, ...
Character Ragdoll
Changes the ragdoll state of the character
Character State
Character State Weight
Change a Character's State weight or influence
Character Stop Gesture
Forces a Character to stop the Gesture that it is currently being played
Instantaneously moves a Character from its position to a new one
Head Track
Makes a Character's head look at a target using Inverse Kinematics
Player Movement Input
Changes the input scheme of the Player
Character Rotate Towards
Pivot a Character around itself towards a target, using its angular speed
Set Character default State
Sets the Character's default State
Action Name
Changes the Cursor image, lock state and visibility
Open URL
Opens the web browser and a specific webpage
Quality Settings
Changes the quality settings of the game
Quit Game
Exits the Application
Game Creator comes with an optimized Audio Manager that reuses audio sources in a ring-buffer so your game doesn't experience hiccups when playing many sound effects at a time. Audio is divided in 2 categories
Music: Background music set in a loop. You can change it by cross-fading between multiple tracks.
Sounds: Or Sound Effects. These are small sounds that are played only once.
Action Name
Pause Audio
Pauses all audio effects
Play Music
Plays a music track allowing you to fade it in
Play Sound
Plays a single sound shot
Play Sound 3D
Similar to Play Sound but allowing you to specify the source of the sound
Stop Music
Stops the background music, allowing you to fade it out
Stop Sound
Force a sound effect currently being played to stop
Change Volume
Changes the volume of the background music, sound effects or both of them
These Actions allow to easily test your game and spot errors. These won't have any impact on your final game build.
Action Name
Debug Break
Pauses the Editor
Debug Message
Write a text message in the Console, using a Warning, Information or Error flags
Debug Name
Prints the name of a Game Object through the Console
Debug Variable
Prints the value of a Variable through the Console
Debug Beep
Plays a Beep sound effect generated by the OS (Only works in the Editor)
Action Name
Execute Actions
Execute an Actions object and allows you to either continue the execution or wait till these Actions are finished to resume
Cancel Actions
Cancels the execution of an Actions object
Change Language
Changes the language of the game. All localized strings will be automatically updated
This Action does nothing and only serves to write down a note for the developer
Call Conditions
Executes a Conditions object, allowing you to continue the execution of wait till the Conditions are finished and resume
Dispatch Event
Change the general gravity
Call Methods
Allows you to call any method from any component as long as it has zero or one parameter
Restart Actions
Restarts the execution of the current Actions object
Time Scale
Changes the time scale as well as the fixed time scale. Useful for pausing the game or making a slow-motion effect.
Waits some seconds before jumping to the next instruction
Render Reflection Probe
Manually renders a Reflection Probe. Bear in mind that reflection probes might not be active due to quality settings
Store Mouse World Position
Raycasts from the Camera to where the mouse points at and stores the result (game object and point) in a Local, Global or List Variable
Action Name
Add Component
Adds a Component to a target
Sends a Trigger, Bool, Integer or String parameter to an Animator
Animator Layer
Changes the Animator Layer properties of a given Animator
Change Material
Change the Material of a Game Object
Change Texture
Changes the Texture of a Material. By default it changes the Albedo texture but can also modify any input texture
Change Color
Changes the Color of a Material
Destroys a target Game Object
Enable Component
Enables or Disables a game object component
Creates an instance of a prefab or another game object and places it at a certain position and rotation
Instantiate from Pool
Changes the Light properties of a Game Object
Look At
Makes a Game Object face at a target. The Z axis will be aligned towards the target
Nearest with Component
Stores in a variable the nearest (if any) Game Object with a certain component within a certain radius
Nearest in LayerMask
Stores in a variable the nearest (if any) Game Object within a certain radius that belongs to a layer mask
Nearest with Tag
Stores in a variable the nearest (if any) Game Object within a certain radius that has a specific tag
Apply forces to any Game Object with a Rigidbody
Send Message
Set Active
Enables or disables a Game Object
Plays a Timeline object
Changes the Transform properties of Game Object, such as the scale, position, rotation and parent
Transform Move
Smoothly moves an object from A to B at a specified duration
Transform Rotate
Smoothly rotates an object to match an Euler rotation
Transform Rotate Towards
Smoothly rotates an object to face a given target
Executes a Trigger object
Explosion Force
Adds gradient force from a position that affects all objects within a radius and pushes them outwards
Game Creator has a robust built-in save system that keeps track of most important information in order to safely restore the state of a game when loading a previous game.
Each game save is stored in a slot. Each slot is called Profile and you can store up to 99 different game saves.
For example, if you save the game at a given point in Profile 3
, you can later on reload the game loading the Profile 3
Action Name
Current Profile
Changes the current active profile
Delete Profile
Deletes a Profile along with all its saved data
Load Game
Loads the game (either using the current profile or a specified one)
Load Last Game
Loads the last saved game from any profile. Useful when having a "Continue" button in your main menu
Save Game
Saves the game content at the current profile location or a specified one
Action Name
Load Scene
Load Scene with Player
Similar to Load Scene but also allows to make the Player start a a given location. Useful when a scene can be entered from multiple points
Unload Scene Async
Unloads an additive scene asynchronously and reports complete when the scene is unloaded
UI Actions allow Game Creator to interact with UI elements and even create small but useful animations.
Action Name
Canvas Group
Changes the settings of a Canvas Group over time. Useful for fading in and out entire UI Panels.
Change Font Size
Changes the font size of a Text component
Change Text
Changes the text of a Text component
Graphic Color
Changes the tint color of either a Text or an Image
Image Sprite
Changes the sprite of an Image component
Messages section is a work in progress Actions list that will allow you to display information on screen.
Action Name
Simple Message
Displays a simple message on top of a UI element. Useful for prototyping conversations
Floating Message
Displays a floating message on top of an object with a certain offset. Useful to display multiple conversations simultaneously
There are mainly three types of Variables:
Global Variables
Local Variables
List Variables
When referring to either Global Variables, Local Variables and List Variables we'll use the term "Variables" with capital L.
How Game Creator interacts with them is done through the use of the following Actions. For more information about Variables click here.
Action Name
Add to List Variables
Adds a new element to a List Variables object
Clear List Variables
Removes all element from a List Variables
List Variables Loop
Execute an Action having as Invoker each of the different elements of the List Variables
List Variables Iterator
Changes the iterator pointer of a List Variables
Remove from List Variables
Remove an element from a List Variables
List Variables Select
Picks an element from the List Variables and store it in a Local or Global Variable
Gather Components by Distance
Fills a List Variable with a collection of objects with a certain component. The list is sorted by their distance to a source
Variable Random
Generates a random value between min and max and stores it in a Variable
Variable Bool
Assign a value of true or false to a Variable
Toggle Variable Bool
Toggles (true to false and false to true) a boolean variable
Variable Color
Assign a Color value to a Variable
Variable Game Object
Assign a Game Object value to a Variable
Variable Number
Assign a numeric value to a Variable
Variable Sprite
Assign a Sprite value to a Variable
Variable String
Assign a text value to a Variable
Variable Texture2D
Assign a Texture2D value to a Variable
Variable Vector2
Assign a Vector2 value to a Variable
Variable Vector3
Assign a Vector3 value to a Variable
Variable Reset
Reverts to the default value of a Variable
Variable Add
Add a value to a numeric Variable
Variable Divide
Divides the value of a Variable for a certain value
Variable Math
Allows to perform a Math operation using a string-based formula
Variable Multiply
Multiplies the Variable value by another value
Variable Subtract
Subtracts the Variable value with another one
Plays an animation on a Character once. For more information on Gestures, click .
Changes or resets the State of a Character. For more information on States click .
Dispatches a named event. More information about Event Dispatchers .
Creates an instance of a prefab and generates a pool system from it to be reused. See for more information.
Call a method from any component using the API
Loads a scene by name. A scene can be loaded as a single instance or additively. Click for more information.